Nic's Cradle Challenge
Remembering and Honouring Nic Easton
2018 Group2018 bunch
2016 Group2016 bunch
2015 Sheffield Group2015 Sheffield group photo
Moina starters2015 Moina Riders at start
The 2014 BunchThe 2014 Bunch
The 2011 BunchThe 2011 Bunch
Photo of Nic in 2011Nic during the 2011 ride
Nic and JasminNic and his fiancee Jasmin - 2011
Nic and Ric at Cradle Mountain - 2009Nic and Ric in 2009

With over 2500m of climbing, this route is jam packed with big hills and iconic scenery including the world renowned Cradle Mountain. Beautiful forests, wild mountains and stunning lakes make this an inspiring yet challenging ride. Its not all down hill when you reach Dove Lake, you will realise that there are still some challenges awaiting you on your way back to Sheffield.

Route Information

Distance: 126km, Elevation Gain: 2500+ m

You may go at your own pace from the start in Sheffield - however please note this is not a race.

The entire ride is on sealed, well maintained public roads.

Tips for using the map

  • Map operates like a normal Google map - zoom in or out using double left click or out using double right click or by clicking on the "+" or "-".
  • Left click and drag to move the map to a different location.
  • Change from Map to Satellite (or other options) using the drop down list top right of the map.
  • The map is interactive - move cursor around the route or the along the elevation to track around the course and along the elevation.
  • Left click and drag a section of the elevation to zoom in on that part of the course.
  • Street view is available (drag little person icon to part of the course you want to look at) if you want to check out an intersection or any other section of the course.
  • Return to map from street view with left arrow at bottom of the Street View image.
  • Go to Google Maps using Google icon bottom left of the main map or the Placemarker icon at bottom of the Street View image. Google Maps have a much better street view function.
2018 Group2018 bunch
2016 Group2016 bunch
2015 Sheffield Group2015 Sheffield group photo
Moina starters2015 Moina Riders at start
The 2014 BunchThe 2014 Bunch
The 2011 BunchThe 2011 Bunch
Photo of Nic in 2011Nic during the 2011 ride
Nic and JasminNic and his fiancee Jasmin - 2011
Nic and Ric at Cradle Mountain - 2009Nic and Ric in 2009
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